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lun 14 lug


Brook Lodge Farm Caravan Park Lecture Rm

Paeds - LEVEL 2 unit B -the older child - 5 days, in-person F2F course, BRISTOL

LEVEL 2 IS ADVANCED CARE. Primitive reflexes, learning difficulties, spectrum, development, emotions, body image, puberty, sports, immunity, growth, social engagement, adolescent challenges- 5 days, lots of evidence and techniques, global assessment, immediately useful.

Paeds - LEVEL 2 unit B -the older child - 5 days, in-person F2F course, BRISTOL
Paeds - LEVEL 2 unit B -the older child - 5 days, in-person F2F course, BRISTOL

Orario & Sede

14 lug 2025, 09:00 – 18 lug 2025, 17:00

Brook Lodge Farm Caravan Park Lecture Rm, Redhill, Bristol BS40, UK

Info sull'evento

This is a 5 day course, with lots of hands-on, evidence and osteopathic principles.  Neurophysiology updates, insights into many clinical presentations relevant for the older child.  Lots at ears, eyes and throat, balance, motor development and coordination, visceral and GUT health dynamics, breathing speech and language development (includes oral motor and facial muscle / tongue techniques and dynamics). Covers primitive reflexes, testing and integration and osteopathic approaches to neurotypical and neurodiverse scenarios. Examination and assessment approaches, and approaches to management.  Includes discussions of interdisciplinary dynamics.  Also covers body image, social development, body confidence, puberty, hormones, HPA axis, immunity, puberty and much more.  Prepares you for supporting the general paediatric . older child and adolescent populations through osteopathy.  Open to osteopaths only (you will need to provide information after enrolment).


  • Paeds il figlio maggiore - 26 feb

    Termine vendita: 01 lug 2025, 17:00

    Riflessi primitivi, difficoltà di apprendimento, spettro, sviluppo, emozioni, immagine corporea, pubertà, sport - 5 giorni, molte prove e tecniche, valutazione globale, immediatamente utile. È disponibile un alloggio gratuito per gli studenti (posti limitati, primo arrivato, primo servito). 21-17 ogni giorno. Invia un'e-mail a caroline all'indirizzo per richiedere informazioni o ottenere il tuo posto.

    750,00 £


0,00 £

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    Brook Lodge Farm Caravan Park Lecture Rm, Redhill, Bristol BS40, UK
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    Brook Lodge Farm Caravan Park Lecture Rm, Redhill, Bristol BS40, UK
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    Brook Lodge farm Caravan Park Lecture Rm, Redhill, Bristol BS40, UK
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    Brook Lodge Farm Caravan Park Lecture Rm, Redhill, Bristol BS40, UK
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    Brook Lodge Farm Caravan Park Lecture Rm, Redhill, Bristol BS40, UK
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    lun 14 lug
    Brook Lodge Farm Caravan Park Lecture Rm
    14 lug 2025, 09:00 – 18 lug 2025, 17:00
    Brook Lodge Farm Caravan Park Lecture Rm, Redhill, Bristol BS40, UK
    14 lug 2025, 09:00 – 18 lug 2025, 17:00
    Brook Lodge Farm Caravan Park Lecture Rm, Redhill, Bristol BS40, UK
    LEVEL 2 IS ADVANCED CARE. Primitive reflexes, learning difficulties, spectrum, development, emotions, body image, puberty, sports, immunity, growth, social engagement, adolescent challenges- 5 days, lots of evidence and techniques, global assessment, immediately useful.
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