Excelência em Educação Global em Medicina Manual Osteopática e Funcional

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Women's Health Level 1 unit A - 3day block - introduction to women's health and osteopathy BRISTOL, 17-18-19 Oct '24
qui., 17 de out.
|Brook Lodge Farm Caravan Park Lecture Rm
3 day in person course introducing the concepts of osteopathy in women's health, reviewing global visceral, introducing pelvic function and gynaecology, reviewing initial case analysis in younger women / nonpregnant women, and introducing inflammatory and painful conditions in women's pelvic health

Horário e local
17 de out. de 2024, 09:00 – 19 de out. de 2024, 17:00
Brook Lodge Farm Caravan Park Lecture Rm, Redhill, Bristol BS40, UK
Sobre o evento
This introductory level course is to help all osteopaths become better equipped to begin their osteopathic journey into women's health. Lots of anatomy and physiology, lots of osteopathic concepts, and integration of neurophysiology, fluids, organ and somato-visceral integration dynamics, posture and movement from an organ perspective, and women's health across the lifespan (including pregnancy, post partum and menopause / the third age). The four linked programmes cover everything from general urognynaecology and conditions such as endometriosis, to conception, pregnancy, labour and delivery, post partum, pelvic health, scarring, menopause, prolapse, breast problems, and working with older women.
This is the first of four linked units, that can be done together, or as stand alone elements. The level one programmes will include esxternal area pelvic floor, work, but internal work and complex cases are only discussed in the level 2 women's health series.
It is designed for early career osteopaths, or those starting their women's health journey, but as it is so packed with evidence and clinical insights, it will suit any osteopath, even if eperienced in visceral / pregnancy care. The four programmes follow on from each other, but can be done as stand alone units.
This first programme covers the dynamics of how the body cavities work, how osteopathic principles apply to visceral dynamics and in particular women's health issues, and introduces visceral palpation which does not depend on the 'involuntary motion' of the organs. It re-invigorates a dynamic osteopathic assessment, which os organised according to postural physiological, reflex and fluidic principles, and is designed to work systemically, physiologically and through linking asomatophysiology, smoato-emotional and quality of life dyamics in a highly enactivce / interactive and patient oriented manner. It also coves intial assessment / examination and considers implications for various clinical presentations, which are covered in depth in the other units.
Day one includes an introduction to global visceral, physiological and osteopathic principles in systemic function, day two covers how the body cavities and the organs work together for physiological efficiency, day three includes initial screening and evaluation, and global visceral / ventral palaption skills. Risks and benefits of oseopthic care are discussed.
The course uses extensive evidence base, introduces new concepts and does not rely on one treatment modality. This course does not teach 'cranial', but instead teaches you how to interact with physiology and the emergent nervous system through applying traditional osteopathic concepts through touch and gentle tissue exploration. For osteopaths - you will be asked for your osteopathic registration after enrolment. Final year students can apply. Exact venue details after enrolment.
These units form part of the face to face teaching componets of the Certificate and Diploma programmes in Women's Health, delivered by Caroline through her postgraduate College, the CNMO. For details of that programme, click link for overview pdf on the main events page, or visit cnmo.co.uk
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